Saturday, July 23, 2011

the time has come!

"The time has come," the Walrus said,"to talk of many things: of shoes and ships and sealing wax, of cabbages and kings." Unfortunately (or completely fortunately, depending on your perspective), my life isn't a scene from Alice in Wonderland, so, instead, the time has come to talk of many things including visas, passports, malaria pills, itineraries, linen pants, and plug adapters. For tonight I fly to London, the first leg of my five month journey abroad. Because the majority of my time will be in India (almost exactly four months), that will be the focus of my blog, but because I will, in fact, be in London for almost three weeks, I intend to check in a few times while I'm there, too.
In London I will be taking one course called Development in the International Political Economy at the London School of Economics and it will count as the capstone for my econ major, thus saving me loads of tedious work my senior year. I'm expecting to have a lot of studying to do, so the adventure will be balancing school with seeing as much as I can in London, a city I've definitely never been to before. I'm really excited to be in such an exciting and vibrant European city and what's better is I'll be tearing it up with one of my coolest friends from AU.
That's about all I've got, for now. Today is for last minute packing and increasingly-frequent mini panic attacks. I hope you enjoy following my adventures and I promise to, not only update occasionally, but try and keep this cliche'd study abroad blog as minimally pretentious as possible. Leave some comments or email me at, I'm guessing that I'll appreciate any updates from the states, excluding news pertaining any more government shutdowns, or professional sports lockouts.
until next time,

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